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This picture looks better than 34.04% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.57
This picture has been rated : 283 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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New York
United States
75 gallon rectangle tank with a penguin bio wheel 350 and penguin bio wheel 200, 2 heaters, rena air 400 air pump. Fake plants and rock. Play sand substrate.
Start big, cause youll end up buying big anyway, youll save alot of money if you start big.
Fish Kept:
Jack Dempsey, 2 male texas cichlids and a female texas cichlid ** i just gave those away, i am now the owner of 2 red bellied piranha's*** (75g)
Mollies, tetras, catfish, gouramis ( 10g)
fake plants
Tank Size:
75 gallons
umm...i dunno
About Yourself:
i like fish