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This picture looks better than 13.7% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.05
This picture has been rated : 307 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
New York
United States
A 46 bow front tank. I use the small eheim filter. It has been working magic for me.
THe bigger the tank the easier it is. Actually spend the money on a good filter. It can make a world of difference.
Fish Kept:
two discus, an angel, 2 sepea tetra, 6 neon tetras, two rainbows, a pleco, 2 algea eaters, 2 gouramis, and 2 danison barbs.
live plants
Tank Size:
46 gallons
Get me my fishing pole
About Yourself:
I started as young child with a small ten gallon tank. Now I'm grown up and on my own. With a steady job I can afford a large tank that is pleasing to the eye.