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This picture looks better than 76.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.62
This picture has been rated : 289 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
55 gallon Malawi Rift:
White beach sand, 40lbs lace rock, Pangea Flatrock IV background (black), Eheim Pro II 2026 canister filter, Ebo Jager 200 Watt heater, All-Glass Twin-Tube strip light.
My only advice for new hobbists would be to do a lot of research before setting up a new tank instead of just making impulse buys. Really read up on different types of fish, equipment, etc. It will really benefit you in the long run.
Fish Kept:
1 Metriaclima callainos, 2 Metriaclima lombardoi, 2 Metriaclima estherae (1 Red, 1 Albino)
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I am currently a part time student working towards a Bachelors of Science in Interactive Media Design. I like to express my creativity mostly through aquascaping, web design, and some photography. I grew up with little oddball tanks; mostly goldfish and guppy tanks, so aquaria has always been an interest of mine, but I have only recently become a fanatic of the hobby. I love designing different aquarium habitats and researching new species of fish.