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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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New York
United States
my tanks are very plain but nice , not too crowded, i think it is just enough. too much plants and decoration make it look crowded and take a lot away from the fish.
I change the water/clean it 3 times a year, and test the water once every 3 weeks, either myself or take it to get tested, I have NEVER had any problems with the tank or the fish. I feed them once a day, thir diet consists of live food, and flake food. When i say live food, I mean they get blood worms, baby guppies, ( I have a feeder guppy tank and when they reproduce i put the new babys in the big tank) and live brine.
Fish Kept:
2 angels (1 male, 1 Female) 8 dwarf Guarmis, 2 bullhead catfish ( i caught them when they were babys) 2 royal green terrors, 1 gold ram, 4 blue rams, 1 clown loach, 1 pleco.
non living plants and decorations
Tank Size:
60 gallons
life is life, take it, make the most of what you have, don't ponder about what you don't have!
About Yourself:
I am a 24 yr old female, with 2 kids, ages 2 and 6, I work as a cook full time. i have always loved fish, and now i have gotten in the habbit of catching baby fish and raising them in the tanks i have and then releasing them back where i got them when they are big enough. I do this so they do not get eaten by other fish and they have a chance of living.