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This picture looks better than 75.59% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.59
This picture has been rated : 133 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
uses rena xp3 canaster filter. substrate is a mix of white sand and dry araganite. 2-flora-gro lights. currently debating on whether or to use co2.
explore and use your imagination and above all PATIENCE.
Fish Kept:
1-lohachata botia loach (yoyo)
2-angelicus botia loaches
2-peppered cory cats
2-panda cory cats
2-rainbow sharks
1-gold algae eater
1-chinese algae eater
1-neon blue rainbow
1-australian rainbow
1-tiger barb
2-gold barbs
1-gold gourami
1-black neon tetra
1-penguin tetra
2-bleeding heart tetras
4-x-ray pristella tetras
1-red minor serpae tetra
4-red eye tetras
1-figure 8 puffer
1-blind river cave fish
All Live Plants,
amazon swords,
dwarf hairgrass,
rotala marcandra,
bacopa australis,
green temple-narrow,
and a few i'm not sure what they are. Real rocks and real driftwood.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
The sadest trick ever played was when Satan got the human race to believe he doesn't exist.
About Yourself:
i've had this tank for about 8 years, tore it down in april 2007 to replace plastic frame around the top and recalked. set back up in may 2007. all fish and plants are thriving. this is the first time i attempted a planted tank. i got into aquariums because of my father, he's always had a fish tank.