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This picture looks better than 10.3% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.92
This picture has been rated : 226 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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Freshwater Tank, Polished Rocks, Two undergravel Filters, 306 Fuval,2 1/2 feet of Hamster Tubing, 2 sheets Plexiglass (with holes in it so the water flows threw)
Let your imagination run, pick a theme and go with it.
Fish Kept:
Jack Dempsey, Neon Tetras, Albino Corys, Guppies, Pacostamus, Angel Fish, Goldfish, and two really cool orange and yellow ones and for the life of me I cant remember what they are called lol.
Its a new tank, just bought this Xmas, so havent planted it yet, over the next few months we will be introducing live plants.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Grampa's " Everyday above ground is a good day"