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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
I have 125 freshwater African Cichlid tank I love new world Cichlids and Peacocks. I have a Marineland Emperor 400 filter and a Aquaclear 100. My light is a T5 aquatic life.
Never overstock your fish tank. Always research a fish before purchasing it to know what you are getting into. Find a local small fish store and purchase your fish from them, dont shop big chains.
Fish Kept:
Trewavasae,African Kenyi,Venustus,Golden Pink Peacock,Red Jewel,Red Pecock,Acei,Electric Blue Cichlid,Electric Blue Johannii,Festivum,Bumblebee Cichlid,Salvini Cichlid,OB Zebra,Obliquidens,Red Zebra,Borleyi,Coptodon Bythobate,Blue Zebra, Jurupari Geophagus,Lace Catfish,Common Pleco
Tank Size:
125 gallons
One day I want a fish tank big enough I can swim in.
About Yourself:
I started out buying a 20 gal goldfish tank for my daughter and became obsessed. I rescued what I though was a pleco from a horrible fish store who actually turned out to be a lace catfish(now named Igor)and bought my first 75 gal for him to fit in. I bought my first "cichlid" a Jurupari named "Geo" soon after and I was hooked. The goldfish are now in a pond we built in the back yard and we now have 3 fish tanks.