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United States
Freshwater fish tank, 20 gallons (long) with natural pebble substrate, 3x pieces driftwood, lava rock and plants. Seachem Matrix biomedia added to overflow filter with ammonia/activated carbon blend in cartridge. Fish: 3 white tipped tetras, dwarf gourami, 4x harlequin rasboras, yo yo loach, 2x green & 1x barbs, 2x ghost shrimp.Plants: Amazon sword, fern, 2x banana plants floatingBrand: Tetra 20 gallon aquarium kit with 2017 led light setup with matching Tetra 20 filter and heater at 76/78 degrees. Added an underwater background using Seaview "glue" which is like mineral oil (made it so vibrant.)
Use seachems Stability daily to start your cycle and add fish after a day or two when temp is right and water tests are looking good. Either test it yourself or take it to a local pet shop that tests for free. I have good results using seachems Matrix product too, I filled my overflow area around the filter cartridge in the front and back with them and it will filter ammonia and harbor good bacteria forever. The plants will help filter ammonia and nitrites while providing oxygen. Taller tanks have a hard time releasing the cO2 so a bubbler helps. Make sure you don't overcrowd and change the water about 15% every other day if your ammonia is high. It'll go up when you add fish and eventually level out after a month or two of being cycled. Only put compatible fish together and enjoy watching them!
Fish Kept:
Neon Tetra Jumbo
Amazon sword, 2x banana plants floating, fern. 3 pieces of driftwood to divide the areas for the fish to reflect their natural habitat.
Tank Size:
20 gallons