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This picture looks better than 56.11% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.53
This picture has been rated : 38 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United States
Mostly soft corals with a few SPS.
(2) 250 W Metal Halides single ended - Overdriven on HQI ballast - 20K spectrum
DAS BX2 Protein Skimmer
Pan World 100 PX-X Return Pump
Center Overflow with 2" Drain & (2) 3/4" returns to SeaSwirls
Korallin Calcium Reactor 1502
Milwakee PH controller DI-MKSMS122
Kent Marine Phosban Reactor
Tank Dims: 60"L x 24"W x 24"H
Pacific Coast 1/4hp Chiller
Plan and read. I wouldn't buy anything until your sure about the size of everything you want and the equipment needed to maintain your tank.You can usually figure about $30 - $35 a gal for a tank that is fully set up with livestock. Make sure to support your Local Fish Store, and check the internet to see if there is a good local reef community or forum board.
Fish Kept:
(2) Flase Perculas
(1)Blue Tang
(1)Royal Gramma
(5) Dispar Anthias
(2) Green Chromis
(1) Copperband Butterfly
lots of pretty ones, and easy ones.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Treat others as you wish to be treated