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This picture looks better than 51.88% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.87
This picture has been rated : 130 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
More Info
United States
I have a 20 gal (24"x12"x16") tank with a whisper 60 filter.
If you are a new hobbyist, you should not be giving advice to other new hobbyists. (I am a new guy so don't ask me for advice!)
Fish Kept:
One Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami, NeonTetras, Sword Tails, Marigolds, Glass Shrimp, one Upside Down Catfish, two Otocinclus Cats, two Red Crabs, and one plecostomus.
I am not really sure about the names for all my plants (because I am not a very smart guy), but that are all real.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself:
Short, not very attractive, slightly goofy looking