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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
i have a 30x20x12" tank with small gravel substrate, two pieces of driftwood and two live plants. i like to keep things minimalistic but have manages to cover all bases including; hiding places for the fish, boosting water ogygen levels and apparently the pleco eats the driftwood & gets some much needed vitamins & minerals from it. e,t,c
not all fish will behave the same just because they are the same species, they all have personalities and it takes a lot of work and observation to establish a happy tropical aquarium with different species all living togeather in harmony.
Fish Kept:
1 Dwarf pleco, 3 red fire gourami's, 4 cory catfish, 3 red rams, 2 blue rams, 5 marbled hatchet fish, 1 filter shrimp,
1 siamese fighting fish, 2 aquatic frogs.... recently added 5 clown loaches which were supposed to be peaceful but ate the fins off my siamese fighting fish! luckily the fighting fish doesnt mind a small container as rehab till i get him set up on his own.... little Ba*ta*ds!
2 live plants, 2 pieces of driftwood
Tank Size:
20 gallons
stick a fork in me..... im done :0)
About Yourself:
i went into a fish shop to get my niece a goldfish for her birthday and came out with my first 30 ltr tank & accessories! oh and i got so carried away i forgot the goldfish :0/