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This picture looks better than 69.27% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.97
This picture has been rated : 34 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.69
More Info
United States
I have a 125Gal Reef tank 6feetX2FeetX18 inches.
I have 180LBS of live rock.
I have a 4 inch sand bed.
I am running a Little Giant 4 pump 1050 GPH at 3 feet
Three #4 K powerheads moving 3600GPH 40X flow in display tank.
I am running one 400W Metal Halid in the middle and two 250W MH on each side. I run a Euro Reef RS80 Protein skimmer.
I have a 27 gallon refugium
Take your time and read read read.
Fish Kept:
1 Sail Fin Tang
2 Regal Tangs
1 Atlantic Blue Tang
3 Fire fish Gobbies
1 shrimp Gobbie
1 lawn mower blennie
1 green cromis
1 Jail bird damsel
Mating pair of perculas clowns
1 maroon clown
1 coral banded shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 clown gobie
150 blue leg crabs
20 scarlet crabs
80 nasseras snails
20 turbo snails
50 other snails
10 mexican red leg crabs
5 emerald crabs
1 Large Green neon open Brain
large colony or cabbage leather
1 blue stage blue tip
1 green birdsnest
1 superman coral
1 red Montipora Cap
1 purple Montipora cap
1 purple SPS
1 large Colt Coral
1 Green kenya tree.
2 pink kenya trees
Brown button polyps
green button polyps
mand different collonies of zoa
2 large finger leathers
1 toad stool leathers
large colony or giant hariy mushrooms
Green strip mushrooms
purple mushrooms
blue mushrooms
pulsing xenia
Yellow pagoda cup
Star Polyps
Im sure there are more I can't remember right now
Tank Size:
160 gallons
About Yourself:
I am a golf pro in Florida