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This picture looks better than 42.66% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.76
This picture has been rated : 199 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Power Glow Lighting, Penquin Bio Wheel Filters, no heater needed. im in Florida who needs more heat...lol
Haveing a fish aquarium is a awesome way to show your inner artist. Show your fish love just like any other pet, you get love back. Never take out all of your water. Only do up to 30% water changes. Over Filter the Tank with more then is asked per gal. Also Fish need to sleep, turn off the lights at night. Go slow have fun.
Fish Kept:
Cichlids,labyrinths "Gouramis"
All Artificial plants. Large & small rocks. Drift wood.
Fish?.....ÇïçhÏìÐs RULE.
About Yourself:
Have had fish for over 15 years. And still love them. Would love to have a fish store someday.