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This picture looks better than 8.3% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.3
This picture has been rated : 120 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United States
30 gal. Long, penguin 280, powerhead sponge filter, Stealth heating unit, gravel sub-straight, 5500 k lighting, EcoBio Rock with in gravel bubbler.
Regular water changes, and keep your gravel clean.
Fish Kept:
2 Parrot fish, 7 Red-eye Tetra, 4 Glass Tetra, 1 rainbow Shark, 1Albino Cory-cat, Pleco
Amazon Swords
Tank Size:
30 gallons
Love thy neighbor and respect thy fish.
About Yourself:
I'm a free-lance Graphic Designer of print publications, and I enjoy creating from scratch. Creating a mini microcosm just seemed a natural fit. Creating something that is a living ecosystem with its changing needs keeps me interested, and in return those I take care of give me hours of entertainment by letting me view their natural behavior ( that is if you've done everything correctly ). Besides its a challenging hobby that never stops teaching and growing. Possibilities are endless!