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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
55 gallon tank with peguin 330, undergravel filter, turbo co2, heater,diamondback flourlestant 80watts. ALL LIVE AND REAL amazon swords, java fern, and some other plants. i have neons, tetras, gourmies, angels, tiger barbs, rainbows, zebras, peacock eel, dwarf rams, clown loaches, fiddler crabs, and mystery snails.
study up, set up tank, make it they way you like it, then add fish. big fish eat small fish. look up fish befor4e purchase. take time and have money.HAVE FUN
Fish Kept:
neons, tetras, gourmies, angels, tiger barbs, rainbows, zebras, peacock eel, dwarf rams, clown loaches, fiddler crabs, and mystery snails.
swords, java fern, and some other plants.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
the bigger the hook, the bigger the catch.