Photo #11 - Cable For Cats: The Recently Completed Cat Senat...

Submitted By: Cat Senate on
Photo Caption: Cable for Cats: The recently completed Cat Senate aquarium is a 72 Gallon Aqueon bow front aquarium housing 17 Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids purchased from Live Fish Direct: (5) Pseudotropheus Sp. Acei, (7) Labidochromis Caeruleus and (5) Pseudotropheus Socolofi. The aquarium has sand subtrate, caves made of pink slate rock and an artificial Canyon rock background by Universal Habitats
fish tank picture - Laka Malawi Mbuna Cichlids
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus socolofi - powder blue cichlid stocking in 72 gallons tank - Well, Hello There!
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus socolofi - powder blue cichlid stocking in 72 gallons tank - Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids
fish tank picture - Another view of the old layout of the tank prior to it being redone. The new decorations were siliconed to the botton prior to the subtrate being added. All the plants are ceramic or hard plastic i.e. Cichlid-Proof
fish tank picture - Side view of the still dry aquarium. The old custom-made palm trees were replaced with the original ceramic versions by Top Fin after the decision was made to get Mbuna Cichlids (due to their habit of shredding leaves/plants)
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus acei - acei cichlid stocking in 72 gallons tank - Pseudotropheus Sp. Acei Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus socolofi - powder blue cichlid stocking in 72 gallons tank - Pseudotropheus Socolofi Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlid
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 72 gallons tank - Labidochromis Caeruleus Electric Yellow Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids
fish tank picture - Our cat Alya... seemingly annoyed at not being able to get to the Cichlids
fish tank picture - Our cat Bocelli the Cichlid Whisperer
72 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Cable for Cats: The recently completed Cat Senate aquarium is a 72 Gallon Aqueon bow front aquarium housing 17 Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids purchased from Live Fish Direct: (5) Pseudotropheus Sp. Acei, (7) Labidochromis Caeruleus and (5) Pseudotropheus Socolofi. The aquarium has sand subtrate, caves made of pink slate rock and an artificial Canyon rock background by Universal Habitats

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Ranked #1942 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08

More Info

State: Virginia
Country: United States
Description: Aqueon 72 Gallon Bow Front w/t Classic Pine Stand
Advice: An aquarium is a must-have for cat owners (servants) and will provide hours of entertainment for them at a fraction of the cost of Comcast Cable TV.
Fish Kept: Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids: (5) Pseudotropheus Sp. Acei, (7) Labidochromis Caeruleus and (5) Pseudotropheus Socolofi
Corals/Plants: Artificial Rock Background by Universal Habitats, Pink Slate Rock custom-built caves and artificial Cacti and Ceramic Palm trees.
Tank Size: 72 gallons
Quote: Everything CAT!
About Yourself: The Cat Senate aquarium was set up to entertain our cats and the project became an exciting adventure involving long nights of research, watching aquarium vidoes on YouTube and planning.


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