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This picture looks better than 42.57% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.76
This picture has been rated : 99 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
I have Angels, Cory's, a Rainbow Shark, couple of Bolivian Rams, a 5-6 inch Pleco named Kirby and some tetras... I bought a bunch of rock from a landscaping business and some little pieces of driftwood from the pet store along with some fake plants and BAM! Threw it all together and it actually came out very beautiful.. I can stare at it for hours... No special equipment just 2 large filters and the air bubble curtain... Water stays crystal clear with just an every other week 75% water change, adding conditioning salt and water conditioner of course!
A Freshwater tank is the way to go! Its soooo easy!!!!
Fish Kept:
None. Freshwater only.
Tank Size:
45 gallons
Have Fun!
About Yourself:
My boss has always had fish and I LOVED her two huge tanks that she has at her hous so I bought a 10 gallon and went from there!! I think that Fish Aquariums are AWESOME and fun! I love buying new fish!! My tank now is a 45 Gallon but when I buy a house you can bet I will have a 100+ tank!!!