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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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My 55 gal tank has an Aquaclear 70 and an Aquatech 60(one at each end).Lit by a double neon covering the tank.I have 2 Blue Acara,2Firemouth,2 Parrots, and 2 Gold severum.The tank has many hiding places and many Silk plants.The dimensions are 48"long 21"high and 12.5 " deep.
Do as I did.That is do a lot of research before putting fish in your aquarium.I chose to put Cichlids that are generally peaceful towards each other.I did at least 15 to 20 hours of research and made lists as to agressive fish and peaceful ones.I also made sure that there were many hiding places since Cichlids need them.
Fish Kept:
2 Blue Acara M+F
2 Gold Severum M+F
2 Firemouth not sure if M or F
2 Parrot Cichlids
I have 10 silk plants spreading from one end to the other,plus a beatiful piece of driftwood 31inch by 14 inch at one end with large cavities as hiding places.Ordered it from Louisiana Bayous.I also have a few other items for hiding
Tank Size:
55 gallons
I told you so
About Yourself:
Hi I am in my late 50's.In my 20's I had an aquarium for quite a few years(35 gal tank) but back then I started going on many fishing trips and pleasure trips so I sold it. Over all the years since then I always enjoyed seeing fish in Animal shops.About 3 months ago I decided to start up again.I am on long term dissability from Bridgestone/Firstone plant in Joliette Quebec.I was an accountant.