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This picture looks better than 19.78% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.22
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
my 29 gallon cichlid tank
patience grasshopper good things come to those who wait
Fish Kept:
1 fire mouth,1melanochromis johanni,1 more that i cant find the name for its neon orange with black spots.And 1 clown pleco
2 plastic,live amazon sword and two others not sure what htey are
Tank Size:
29 gallons
if god is truly just i tremble for the fate of my country
About Yourself:
My wife and I took over her brothers 10 gallon tank about 6 months ago and became fascinated with the fish in it unfortunately we placed some diseased fish in it and killed everything in the tank.After doing some extensive reading and figuring out what we did wrong.we bought a bigger tank and all the proper equipment and decided to give it another shot.So far so good.we use the 10 gallon for quarintine now.its back up and running with some zebra danios in it to cycle.