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This picture looks better than 48.02% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.88
This picture has been rated : 262 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
United Kingdom
5ft 400litre freshwater tank. Planting theme is kept to a minimum due to type and size of fish kept. My other 3 foot is a mixed community planted tank with no frills
Keep things simple and research, research, research before you make a purchase
Fish Kept:
Mbu puffer, sailfin plec, rainbows, congo tetras, clown loaches, yoyo loach, bristlenose plecs, pair of Nigerian red cichlids
giant vallis a few crypts,plenty of java fern some sword pants and a nice little lotus lilly
Tank Size:
95 gallons
mmmm something!!!
About Yourself:
Been into fish keeping 6 years ish and am what you could call a fish geek!!! Really into it in a big way, just don't have the money to fulfill my aquarium dreams!!!