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This picture looks better than 78.8% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.79
This picture has been rated : 274 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
More Info
This tank is 180 liter Juwel RIO with standard equipment. Dimension: 101cm x 41cm x 50cm. CO2 Sera tablets added two times a week. 25% water change every week. 2 pieces of Bog-wood. Iron ground fertiliser. Lights on for 12 hour a day + light reflectors- optional.
Fish Kept:
2 Golden Angelfish, 2 Otos, 2 SAE, 11 Cardinal tetras and 5 Amano Shrimps. This stock is final.
Plants: Hygro polysperma, Hygro siamensis, Egeria densa, Bacopa australis, Water sprite, Hygro rosanervig, Cardomine lyrata and Alternathera reineckii roseafolia.
Tank Size:
48 gallons
The shortest way is not necessarily the fastest.
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