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This picture looks better than 81.8% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.78
This picture has been rated : 94 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United States
Glass: 125 6' aquarium
Lighting: hagen powerglo
Filtration: two aquaclear 110's and a proclear 175 wet/dry
Heat: two 250watt visitherm stealths (in sump)
Decor: 30lbs. of natural gravel sinking bogwood lace rock riverrock
Plants: plastic and real
Patience, patience, patience........
and if you think its too big to put in your aquarium it probably is.
Fish Kept:
As of right now: two firemouths, one jack dempsy, one pink convict, one green terror (gold saum), one raphael catfish, and Sumo Sam the Flowerhorn. All about 2 inches except the raphael who is about 3 1/2"
All kinds of plants..... no swords, never had any luck with them.
Tank Size:
125 gallons