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This picture looks better than 70.54% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.48
This picture has been rated : 211 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
Two Eclipse f40t10 bulbs for my sun light. Red Sea Co2, Rena Filstar xP3 canister Filter, Pebble size sand over one inch plant food (forgot name) on top of 3/4 inch rocks on the bottom.
Take your time in choosing the correct set-up for your taste and situation.
Fish Kept:
Mollies, by the hundreds!
Fresh Water Plant Tank with a variety of plants Whirly Rorola, Water Hysup, Anubis Minima, Rotala Indica, Didipis Diandra, Java Ferm, Giant Red Rotala, Brazilian Micro Sword, Star Grass, Brown Wendti Crypt, Co2, Canister Filter
Tank Size:
60 gallons
co2 in the name of the game!
About Yourself:
My son got this tank for his birthday and its been mine ever since. He told me what he wanted and this is what happened. I tell you what, once I figured out the right combo it is as easy as just changing water once a week. But the money I went through to get to this point.....