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Aquaone AR980 215L/57USGal tankwith wet/dry filter in hood and fluval 4+ internal filter.
Fluval 300W heater.
Other than the extra filter, tank is as you would find it retail.
The plants are only fed liquid fertiliser once a month. There is no special substrate or CO2 injection.
(Sorry about the crappy photo - still trying to work outt he best way to take a pic).
Research is your friend - and your fishes friend.
Fish Kept:
6 x McCulloch Rainbow,
18 x Cardinal Tetra,
1 x Bristlenose (Ugly Bobette),
13 x Harlequin Rasbora,
3 x Otos,
2 x Bolivian Butterfly (Rams),
3 Siamese Algae Eaters,
3 x Male Guppies
5 amazon swords
12+ crypts - these are currently multiplying
4-5 clumps of val
3 Anubias - 1 on a rock, one of a piece of wood and on in the gravel - all growing well
Java moss - growing over the largest piece of wood i the tank.
Tank Size:
57 gallons
About Yourself:
I've been running this tank for over 12 months now.