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This picture looks better than 62.12% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.22
This picture has been rated : 139 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
United States
38 gal african cichlid. running aqua clear 70 and whisper 30, submersible 200w heater, and bubble bar with tetra pump. 20 W single strip Power Glow. Also have moon blue spot lights, for evenings.
I have learned that I don't know enough and always need to keep reading. Do your research on your fish. Over filtration is worth the money.
Fish Kept:
10 juvenile mixed african, lake malawi, and 2 frontosas (holding their own), with one siamese algae eater.
medium sized gravel substrate, plants are all fake. 29 lbs of Texas Holey rock, with 10 lbs mexican beach rock, with mexican slate.
Tank Size:
38 gallons
"Do you mind if we dance wif your dates"
About Yourself:
Brand new to the hobby. Hope to learn a great deal from the "pro's" on this site. Already have learned much from you guys. By the looks of the tanks found here, and the advice I have found thus far, this site is an excellent resource for beginners.