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This picture looks better than 16.76% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.15
This picture has been rated : 136 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
New York
United States
29 Gallon, Aqua-Tech 20-40 bio fiber filtration, Flourescent Light, Bubble Curtain & 100 Watt Heater.
I'am New Myself =]
Fish Kept:
1 Iridescent Shark, 1 Dragon Goby, 2 Mixed Fruit Tetras, 2 Balloon Mollies, 1 Flounder, 1 Pleco, 1 Glowlight Tetra, 2 Neon Tetras, 1 Bronze Cory, 1 Pictus Catfish & 1 Snail.
3 Plastic Plants, Castle, Ship, Drift Wood, Coral Rock & Fake Snail On White Rocks With A Black Background.
Tank Size:
29 gallons