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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
48"x24"x11" 55gal, whisper 30-60gal hangover filter, 2 aquatech 5-15gal filters, full undergravel fitler run by 2 doulbe air pumps, two 24" fluorscent lights, 200 watt heater and 60 watt heater.
read all you can about fish and equipment, and spent the money on good equipment now, then having to replace them later.
Fish Kept:
two adult Oscars, three small Jack Dempseys, one Blue Cichlid, and a plecostamous
I use all artifical plant with dark greens,light greens, and few red small plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I start with a 5 1/2 gal goldfish tank with to goldfish which I still have, but now in a 29gal tank with few other species of goldfish. Then I bought a 55gal for Christmas and got two small Oscars and two years later their big now. I wanted some Jack Dempsey to go with them but I bought them small for $2.00 a piece, I kept them in their own 30 gal tank until big enough not to be eaten by Oscars. Its my third year in fish keeping and hoping sometime this year to moving up to a 90 or 120 gallon tank.