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The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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South Africa
120cmX35cmX35cm planted tank.
FLORA: include an anubia (foreground), giant anubia; monkey tail (not sure of the correct name), an unknown stem plant, amazon swords and java moss.
FAUNA: 2Xgreen tiger barb; 2X golden barb; 1X red tailed black shark; 1X scissortail rasbora; 1X upside down catfish; 2X siamese algae eaters; 2X penguin tetras; 1X firemouth cichlid; 2X kribensis cichlids; 1X knight goby; 1X male swordtail; 2X lemon tetras; 1X khuli loach.
SUBSTRATE: Natural gravel, collected from a dry river bed; washed and prepared. Mostly pebbles and cobbles of mudstone, sandstone and siltstone.
pH: 7.5 at the moment. Change 30% of water every 3 weeks. DIY CO2 addition.
Mopani root with java moss in back right corner. Driftwood and siltstone pieces
FILTRATION: 1X Aquaclear 200 hang-on filter; 1X sponge bubble filter connected to air pump.
Fish Kept:
FAUNA: 2Xgreen tiger barb; 2X golden barb; 1X red tailed black shark; 1X scissortail rasbora; 1X upside down catfish; 2X siamese algae eaters; 2X penguin tetras; 1X firemouth cichlid; 2X kribensis cichlids; 1X knight goby; 1X male swordtail; 2X lemon tetras; 1X khuli loach.
FLORA: include an anubia (foreground), giant anubia; monkey tail (not sure of the correct name), an unknown stem plant, amazon swords and java moss.
Tank Size:
26 gallons