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This picture looks better than 17.48% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.79
This picture has been rated : 99 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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South Africa
1.22x45x45 i don't know what my plants are called. I used filter grade sand mixed with lager stones. I'm using 2 pumps at the moment to ensure i have adequate filtration(1200L/h) and a 300watt heater that is almost never on because of the hot weather we have in South Africa.
I am still new to keeping fish so i wouldn't qualify to be able to give advice to anyone, sorry.
Fish Kept:
I have 2 black neon's, 1 Black ghost knife, 2 bala sharks, 2 Pengasus, 1 Rainbow shark(That owns the tank), 1 Rope fish and 1 Pleco - Suckermouth catfish.
I have no idea what my plants are called but the cave i have is store bought. :P
Tank Size:
66 gallons
Practise makes pefect(Lame but true)
About Yourself:
I have always loved fish but never really bothered. One day i walked into a pet store and bought a tank some fish and here we are.