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This picture looks better than 8.47% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.35
This picture has been rated : 150 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.07
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United States
HUGE UPDATE & PICTURES SOON, , 33 gallon containing African rot wood and a medium sized red rock with a bubble disc placed under the wood. a ceramic air stone releases super NOISY (gonna replace it soon) bubbles behind my plants. , , I added a DIY CO2 system to the tank to help my plants out about 9 months ago., , The bed is small to fine gravel with some larger stones here and there., ,
Get a hamster
Fish Kept:
2 Peacock Eels,
4 Long finned black skirt tetras,
2 mystery snails,
1 Spotted Green Puffer,
2 dwarf flounders (?),
2 Dwarf Puffers,
2 red finned sharks,
5 zebra danios,
1 African butterfly,
4 gold tetras,
7 neon tetras,
1 male sunburst platy,
2 algae eaters, ,
1 small sword leafed plants<br>
2 tall sword leafed plants<br>
4 banana plants<br>
3 grassy things have spread with the added the CO2 system now that my tank is about a year old.<BR><BR>
Tank Size:
33 gallons
About Yourself:
I'm a novice fish keeper. over the past 20 years i've had about 7 tanks including one salt.
When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.