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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United Kingdom
3 1/2 foot tank 25gallons. filters 1 eheim 2235 external with return spray bar. 1FLUVAL 2 internal FILTER.
1UG filter run with two INTERPET POWERHEAD PHD3. lighting 2 hagen lamps 40watts each. aqua glo and power go. My water parameters are: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5.0. PH 7.2 heating 1 300 watt TetraTec Heater. tank temp is around 26'c always. 45 percent water change every week.
make sure you have your tank water cycled before adding fish. meaning water parameters are: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, yor can do this in a few ways. the way i do it is by adding fish food each day untill you get nitrate reading. this can take up to three weeks.
Fish Kept:
3clown loach, 3tinfoil barbs, 4red torpedo barbs,3cherry barbs,2 rainbow fish,3bristle cat fish,1shrimp 1 bulldog catfish.
fake plants due to tinfoils and clown loach eating all my real ones!.
Tank Size:
25 gallons
dont poo with your pants on...
About Yourself:
im 29 years old and have only been keeping fish for about three years now. i used to do a lot of fishing when i was younger. and thought it would be great to see fish under water rather from above. i first started with gold fish but after a year and about ten books later a started keeping fresh water topical fish.