Photo #10 - Defiantly The Best Photographed Fish Around

corals inverts - heteractis crispa - sebae anemone stocking in 185 gallons tank - Defiantly the best photographed fish around
Submitted By: Clayton on
Photo Caption: Defiantly the best photographed fish around
185 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My corals
185 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - Here is a update of the tank.
185 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - check this puppy out
185 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - update
fish tank picture - update
185 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - my tank
fish tank picture - my tank
saltwater fish - echidna nebulosa - snowflake eel stocking in 185 gallons tank - My new addition
corals inverts - heteractis crispa - sebae anemone stocking in 185 gallons tank - They r so gracefull
corals inverts - heteractis crispa - sebae anemone stocking in 185 gallons tank - Defiantly the best photographed fish around
185 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - new tank pics
fish tank picture - new pics
185 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - update
saltwater fish - synchiropus splendidus - green mandarin stocking in 185 gallons tank - update
saltwater fish - salarias fasciatus - sailfin/algae blenny stocking in 185 gallons tank - update
saltwater fish - oxycirrhites typus - longnose hawkfish stocking in 185 gallons tank - update
corals inverts - heteractis crispa - sebae anemone stocking in 185 gallons tank - update
corals inverts - heteractis crispa - sebae anemone stocking in 185 gallons tank - update
saltwater fish - zebrasoma flavescens - yellow tang - hawaii stocking in 185 gallons tank - update
corals inverts - sarcophyton sp. - toadstool mushroom leather coral stocking in 185 gallons tank - My smaller toadstole
fish tank picture - Long shot on the tank Its real hard to get it all in, and have it look good.
corals inverts - heteractis crispa - sebae anemone stocking in 185 gallons tank - Most definatly the most photographic fish
saltwater fish - centropyge bispinosa - coral beauty angelfish stocking in 185 gallons tank - Added a coral Beauty today, Bit unclear about the colour of my galaxia coral, look bleached a little.
saltwater fish - amphiprion ocellaris - ocellaris clownfish stocking in 185 gallons tank - progress pics
fish tank picture - Tank parameters are great Added a Yellow tang and some more coral. Not an expert on naming them yet, but i think the green ones a golf ball and the one on the right is a galaxia.
fish tank picture - Tank starting to take formation. Added a couple of clowns now my levels have stablized.
saltwater fish - paracanthurus hepatus - blue tang stocking in 185 gallons tank - My blue tang hanging with a Green chromis Still in the cycle stages. Thought i would use a tang to get him right.
fish tank picture - Just a newbie but would love your advise and feedback Have to admit my waratah anemone are breeding like crazy

Rank Info

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10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.44
This picture has been rated : 9 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59

More Info

Country: Australia
Description: Tank size * 5ft x 2ft x 2ft, Sump 5ft x 18" x 21" Octopus HOB skimmer which is now in sump,1 Ehiem 2500 ltr p/h External Canister Filter, 4 - Metal Halides - 150 watt each with 20000k Bulbs, 2 Ehiem 800 ltr p/h internal Power Heads, Fluro T5 bar with Blue Actinic Grow Lights, 2 x 300 watt heaters (one just incase) 1 return pump from sump pumping at a rate of 7500 ltrs p/h. Halides running for 8 hours with the actinics running 1 1/2 hours either side of that. Also middle section of sump is a refugium, with 2 bar fluros for lighting on the oppisite hours to main tank. Caluprea growing in tank for nitrate reduction purposes.
Advice: Please comment on any experiences you have had, every bit of help you can offer will be a great advantage to the next beginner.....( I don't claim to be experienced though, still learn something every day)
Fish Kept: our fish 7 chromis 1 yellow tang 1 blue tang 1 lipstick tang 1 leopard wrasse 3 clown fish 1 long nose hawkfish 2 golden head gobie 1 dragonet 1 lawnmower blennie 1 dotty back 2 bar gobies 1 nigger trigger 1 snowflake eel 1 coral banded shrimp 1 coral Beauty
Corals/Plants: Approx 130 Kgs or 285 pounds of LR. Number 2 grain white crushed coral substrate, and a tennis ball size air stone. Corals Numerous Amounts Of Toadstools, Anemone, Morphs, Gonipora's, Torches, Hammers, Flowers, Daisys.
Tank Size: 185 gallons
Quote: A winner never quits, but gets poor in this hobby
About Yourself: Just the average AUSSIE, trying to have a go down under. 30 years of age and trying to make the best tank I possibly can. Please, only constructive comments or positive. Or get stuffed Cheers


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