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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
4 T5 6000k bulbs, 20lb CO2 with powerhead diffuser. Cascade 1000 Canister filter with Biofloss in bottom, Biofoam mid, Ceramic rings in top.
Trial and Error is the key to learning about the aquatic hobby.
Fish Kept:
2 marbled veil angels, 2 black veil angles, 2 mixed veil angels, 3 Dojos, 1 Kuhli loach, 3 Clown loaches (1 5 inch, 2 inch and 1 inch, I had a breading pair of angels and the Male died because of old age and the female soon followed after his death.
Plants= Cabomba, Amazon sword, Moss Balls.
Tank Size:
40 gallons