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I own a Orca RA-05 aquarium with 3 stage filtration system sponges-mechanical, bio balls and ceramic rings-biological and carbon-chemical filtration. Its 17gallons and has 2 flourecent tubes for lighting which run at 24w. It contains a pump which pumps 1100L/h specs are 455-490-495mm. I also have included an interpet air pump AV1 which creates the bubble effect.
Take your time to plan out what type of tank you want and the size. The fish should be evenly matched so one fish doesnt get all the food, get a good filtration pump so it minimizes cleaning also get an oxegen pump and lighting, but most of all have fun and enjoy being a fish keeper.
Fish Kept:
My fish are fairly simple to mind but I like them I have a variety of 6 goldfish, 3 white cloud moutain minnow, 2 plecostomuses, 1octomus (algae crew) and 3 weather loach.
I have plants with some fake plants and river rocks at the bottom. I recently added bogwood in the centre for natural effect and the fish are thriveing in it .
Tank Size:
17 gallons
Only when you truly love the fish, will the fish love you back!
About Yourself:
I used to live in California in the United States but I had to move to Galway in Ireland because of family business. I was forced to sell my 15 gallon fish tank with my beloved goldfish it was very sad as they were 10 years old. I bought a new 17 gallon tank here in Ireland with new goldfish and a algae eaters eater and im flying it!!!!!!! ITS A GREAT HOBBY!!!!!!!!