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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
30gal tank with 2 magnum canisters running parallel with huge powerhead running it. e magnums are filler with bioload tone aquaclear over head with a micropad for clean water. one marineland powerhead with uv sterilizer hooked uo.
bioload makes it all carbon isnt needed only looks an 1 fish too 1 inch is not needed now adays i have 37 fish in a30 an putting more in
Fish Kept:
2 redtail sharks. 2 rainbow sharks. 1 albino rainbow shark. 1 upside down catfish. assorted tetras like 19 or soo. 3 gromi catss. 2 rainbows. 2 corycats. 1 regular catfish 2 killah fish.
tetra include congo
sword something plant
Tank Size:
30 gallons