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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.68
This picture has been rated : 165 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
Standard 10 gallon with basic pump/filter, lighting, and heater. Whatever was cheap, nothing special.
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29 gallon with Eclipse system hood/pump/filter ($50, thank you craigslist!). Again, nothing special, but it's been keeping my fish happy for years.
Start with the biggest possible tank you can afford. The bigger the tank the easier to maintain. My 29 gallon is easier than my 10 gallon, 10 gallon is easier than 5 gallon. Starting up is expensive! For really good deals on used fish equipment. Don't be afraid to buy used tanks, pumps, lighting, and other parts that can be easily cleaned. Almost all of my aquarium parts are used and my fish are living long happy lives.
Fish Kept:
In the 10 gallon: harlequin rasbora (6), peppered cory (1), gold cory (2), rubber lip pleco (1), otocinclus (3), crystal shrimp (5), scarlet gem badis (1).
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In the 29 gallon: comet goldfish (1), mollies (3), rosy barbs (3), adonis pleco (1).
Some tall ones, some shorts ones. Whatever plants looked nice at the fish store. :)
Tank Size:
10 gallons
About Yourself:
I like watching my fish tanks better than tv. Much of my enjoyment comes from decorating the tank. Not sure why I like fish so much; It must have started with my goldfish. I'm not really into the names of the fish, how rare or common they are, or the latest in aquarium tech. I just like the way aquariums look and make me feel, and I like trying to make the fish feel happy so hopefully happiness is a feeling fish have. Besides staring at my fish tanks I spend a lot of time bar hopping in San Diego. Fish tanks and beer, baby!