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The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
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2.5 Gallon Betta with heater
10 gallon w/ two 25W bulbs, sponge filter, heater @ 78.
29 gallon aquaclear 50 filter, Aqua-Glo lighting, monterey beach sand substrate, heater @ 80.
37 Gallon Fluval 4 series internal canister filter, heat @ 80, airation at surface, Aqua-Glo 18,000 K lighting for plants.
PATIENCE!!! and LOTS of research!!!!
Fish Kept:
2.5 Gallon = 2 Male Bettas
10 Gallon = 1 Male, 1 Female Betta, 1 Rasbora, 1 Albino Cory
29 Gallon = Male + Female Green Terror Cichlid (4" and 3"), Male Firemouth (This tank will be upgraded to a 90 Gallon soon!!)
37 Gallon = 1 Large Koi/Pearlscale Angelfish, 1 Reed fish, 2 German blue rams, 2 Pepper Cories, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 1 Dwarf Pleco.
37 Gallon has Amazon Sword , Saggitaria, Corkscrew Vallisneria
One thing at a time ....
About Yourself:
My hubby calls me "The Crazy Fish Lady" ... I have MTS and it's just getting worse... they say I'm terminal. LOL