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United States
I just bought the tank a few months ago, it has a top fin 60 gallon filter, a top fin three port airpump, and my colloseum is where my bubbles come out.
My advice is, add fish slowly, Depending on how big the tank is, no more than 5 fish per 10 gallons.
a 10 gallon tank shouldnt have more than 5 small fish. Fish only get as big as the tank you put them in much like everything else. My opinion is to have a filter at least 10 to 20 gallons bigger than your tank.
Fish Kept:
two angel fish, on is a ghost angel, and the other just a straight black one. 3 tetras, one Rainbow Shark, and 2 Placos.
Potted Sword Plant
Corkscrew Vallisneria Plant
Tank Size:
38 gallons
lifes aggrivation is gods way of teaching me patience