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This picture looks better than 61.81% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.2
This picture has been rated : 127 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United Kingdom
4ft x 18ins .bare bottom tank with wood and large pebbles.Fluval 305 + Aqua pro 1 fillters. Arcadia overhead lighting 2 white,2 blue.JBL Co2 kit
keep going
Fish Kept:
6 tiger barbs,12 tetras 1 rainbow shark 6in.1 bumble bee catfish 1in.1 golden nugget plec 5-6in.1 para plec 7-8in. 1 bristlenose plec 4in.1 synodontis catfish 5in.
java fern,java moss,anubias all growing on wood
Tank Size:
240 gallons
About Yourself:
Been keeping fish on off for 20yrs.Fav fish are plecs and catfish