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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
African cichlid tank. Mixed with assorted Mbuna, a red zebra, blue ahli, a red peacock, 3 Fronts, 2 Elongutis, Large Danios,2 female Kenyii, a Compressor, Dolphin Moori, assorted haps, plexus, and a few others.
Focus on the water levels, changes, and moving things around. Also get creative with caves. Cichlids appreciate those so much more than rocks on the gravel.
Fish Kept:
Frontosa Cichlid, Nyererei Hap, Sailfin Pleco (L-83), Red Zebra Cichlid, Blue Dolphin Cichlid, Compressiceps Cichlid, Blue Kenyi Cichlid, Gold Sexfasciatus Cichlid, Elongate Mbuna, Giant Danio, Ruby Red Peacock, Haplochromis Obliquidens
Assorted artificial plants.
Tank Size:
75 gallons