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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
I switched to a aquaclear 110 power filter because of the amount of fish that I have in my tank. I have a tall 44 gallon corner pentagon tank, and this filter gives this tank a lot of filtration and water flow. I also have a hydor koralia circulation pump that I placed in the middle of my tank to add more water movement. I use the titaniumtube heater by ViaAqua and it keeps my water temperature stable. For lighting, I use a 15W Aqua-Glo T-8. This light brings out the color in the fish, plants, gravel, and decorations.
Do not add all these fish all at once. Add them slowly.
Fish Kept:
german blue rams, red fin tetras, australian rainbow, black fin tetra, rainbow preacox, tetra serpae, rosy tetra, corey, african dwarf frog, hillstream loach, head and tail light tetras, rummy nose tetras, panda corey, green fire tetra, rainbow furcata, neon tetras, glow lite tetras, ember tetra, pork chop rasbora, panda tetra, featherfin rainbows, gertrudae rainbows
one anubias, the rest are plastic, two pieces of malaysian driftwood
Tank Size:
44 gallons
About Yourself:
I started off with a 29 gallon about 8 years ago, and over the years, I ended up with 7 tanks. I had a 55 gallon saltwater and a 20 gallon with 4 sea horses. I had the pleasure of watching one of my male sea horses give birth, and it was amazing !!! As of today, I am down to a 125 gallon and a 44 gallon corner pentagon freshwater tank. I just love this hobby !!!!