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This picture looks better than 33.7% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.34
This picture has been rated : 248 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
Beautiful 46 gallon bowfront aquarium. All liveplants penn-plax castles marineland hidden LED and oddseya two t-4 white two t-4 blue for the lighting , top-fin 150 watt heater two tetra HOB hang on back 90 gallon filters to keep the water very clean and crystle clear
Take your time and read before or if unshure about something and things do take time and fish do die sorry to say
Fish Kept:
Koi Angel, Koi Angel, Silver Zebra Angel, Marble Veil Angel, Gold Veil Angel, White Blushing Angel, Silver Zebra Angel, Assorted Veil Angel, Glowlight Tetra, Sailfin Pleco (L-83)
All kinds
Tank Size:
46 gallons