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This picture looks better than 22.46% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.96
This picture has been rated : 105 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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North Carolina
United States
My New aquarium is4'x4'x2' acrylic with a center overflow. I'm running a homemade wet/dry filter underneath with a 800w heater that does an excellent job of keeping this tank stable. My lighting is a little on the high end; I'm running 4 Double Ended HQI 150 1400k Metal Halides. Right now I have two large pieces of driftwood (that still float hence the lava rock on top) and a couple varieties of warm water plants (they look sparce but like I said I just got done setting it up, they should start flourish soon).
Always do your research before starting, be patient as what works for me may not work for you. And... HAVE FUN!!
Fish Kept:
Gouramis... more Gouramis... I love Gouramis. Neons, and Angels... So far
Amazon Swords, Tiger Lotus bulbs, Sag Val, baby tears, and a few others, but can't remember the names.
Tank Size:
240 gallons
Just Keep Swimming
About Yourself:
My first job (and favorite job) was at a local fish store in California which helped me really understand what was available to hobbiest and best care and products... Since then I can't seem to learn enough and swear I will only keep one tank at a time... yeah right! I have 3 right now. :)