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This picture looks better than 64.54% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.81
This picture has been rated : 42 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
Oceanic Reef Ready Bowfront aquarium with sunpaq retrofit lighting. Coralife Skimmer. Over-the-back and Canister Filters.
Be Patient and do not cut short when buying equipment. Make sure you have plenty of filtration and live rock. Making your own rock at home saves a lot of money and aggravation in trying to keep algae down. I have also had more luck keeping my temp. at around 82 degrees F. My corals get larger and also multiply much faster at this temperature.
Fish Kept:
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Yellow Tang
1 Engineering Goby
1 Yellowhead (Pearly) Jawfish
1 Tiger Striped Serpent Star
1 Rose Urchin
1 Rock Clam
Many Cerith, Nassarius, Astrea, and Turbo Snails
Many Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
Lots of Mushrooms... (Hairy, Lavender, Metallic Purple, Red and Green, and Bubbles), Ricordia, Mushroom Anemones, Colt Coral, 4 Tree corals, Large Feather Dusters, Green Star Polyps, Purple, Red, Green and Orange Zoos.Large Green Brain. Lots of White Pulsing Xenia. orange Ball Sponge.
Tank Size:
46 gallons
Sometimes you have to cross the valleys to reach the top of the mountain