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This picture looks better than 88.68% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.08
This picture has been rated : 293 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.06
More Info
United Kingdom
Jewel Vision 260, bow fronted.
121Lx62Hx46W cm
1 Internal filter system, 2 lights 1 white & 1 marine blue. 2 airstones. External Eheim Pro II filter. Coral sand as a substrate & lots of ocean rocks
Start off slowly don't run b4 u can walk
Fish Kept:
An assortment of Malawi Mbuna Cichlids: Blue hap, pearl mutt,zebra,trophiops chilumba,tiger, synadontis catfish, Jalo reef, electric blue johanni's & Yellow Labs.
Several plastic plants
Tank Size:
70 gallons
About Yourself: