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This picture looks better than 37.7% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.65
This picture has been rated : 221 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
two Emperor 400 Bio-wheel filters plus hydro-sponge w/whisper air pump, two 150 watt visi-therm heaters, 50% twice weekly water changes, change out carbon every two weeks...moonlight on timer at night. Could decrease stock load, and do less! Lighting on timer for 8 hrs daily, use Coralife Colormax bulb, big difference in color enhancement.
QT, QT and QT some more! The biggest and most costly mistake you can make is not to quarantine new fish for 6-8 weeks. Read, Research and Review any forum, library, magazine, etc you can get your hands on. BUY QUALITY STOCK FROM A REPUTABLE BREEDER to begin with. It will save you money, time and aggravation in the long run.
Fish Kept:
Discus, Angelfish, Bolivian Ram, German Blue Ram (and color morphs of), assorted Tetras, Bushynose plecs, Sterbai Cory, Red Irian Rainbowfish, Boesemani Rainbowfish, Brochis Cory, Cardinals and Rummynose Tetras, Clown plec, Asian glasscats, YoYo loach, and others
None...all plastic fantastic or barebottom tanks
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Why stop now?!
About Yourself:
Lured (pun intended) into this hobby after purchasing bettas for my kids! They lost interest...and I have been hooked (another pun) ever since!