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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.16
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
46 gal Sea Clear II System upgraded to accommodate planted tank. Coralife 96 watts, 6700K light, giving (2 watts per gallon). Home made CO2 east injection. Hydor Koralia 240 x 1.
Eco-Complete substrate (black). Dosing with Flourish Comprehensive Plant Supplement twice a week and Flourish Excel every day or every other day.
Do your research on what type of planted tank you want to start. Low light, Medium light, or High light. With 2 watts and up CO2 injection could be beneficial for a greater growth.
Fish Kept:
Mostly community fish. Swords, Tetras.
Mix of plants, mostly requiring low to intermediate light.
Tank Size:
46 gallons