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This picture looks better than 94.57% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.42
This picture has been rated : 189 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
Malawi style/fake reef, elements of marine. Ocean rock, sand substrate, coral, barnacle shells. Sun sun (all pond solutions) 1400 ltr an hour external filter, uv steriliser, 300 watt tetratec heater, custom led lighting.
Look after your water, do your tests and make sure it is of optimum quality. When stacking rocks, place them straight on the bottom glass, especially when keeping cichlids and any other excavating fish. This way they can't dig underneath and prevents the whole lot collapsing.
Fish Kept:
Spotted Scat, Silver Dollar, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Sunshine Peacock, Haplochromis Obliquidens, Electric Blue Hap, Black Convict Cichlid, Kribensis Cichlid, Jewel Cichlid, Common Pleco , Tiger Botia Loach, Blood Parrot
Tank Size:
75 gallons