Rank Info
This picture looks better than 5.34% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.65
This picture has been rated : 169 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United Kingdom
I have one four foot tank, one 3ft foot tank one 2 ft tank and a birth tank.
love your tank and fish and they will love you back :-)
Fish Kept:
I have guppies, and cory dory cats, ablino cats, candy stripe loaches, singing catfish, angle fish zebra loaches golden wonders plecs mollies, rainbows golden apples snails, scissior tail rasbaros.
I have a variety of different plants, to many to name right now
Tank Size:
50 gallons
something fishy going on.... lol
About Yourself:
I have been a keen tropical fish keeper for over 2 years now, currently i'm breeding guppies, i have a lovely variety of colours, i began with one 3 ft tank which has progressed to a four ft a three ft a 2 ft and the smaller tank for the growth of the younger guppies i keep them in this tank until i know they are at a mature size to go into the three foot tank for breeding, i will be changing the look of my tanks during this follwing week, taking the rocks out as i want the ph to drop slightly for breeding of rams cat fish and golden wonders. I will of course post pictures here once i have changed them :-)