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United States
Tank is 4 foot long 20 inches deep and 27 inches tall. Runs on a 75 gallon Emperior 400 Bio-Wheel Filteration System. Tank is keep warm by a Aqura 1000 temperature thermostat. Temperature can be adjusted by the turn of a button. 8 Different species if fish and 2 turtles.
Do not go cheap get something that will last. Good equipment means good performance. Let any tank you run, and this is my opinion, but let any tank you get no matter what size, fresh water or salt water run for at atleast 2 weeks if you can for 5 weeks before transfer of new fish to tank.
Fish Kept:
Me and my wife have one oscar, one red belly terror, one shovelnose catfish, one silver dollar fish, one sucker fish that is about a foot and 3 inches long, and three other sucker fish that are 6 inches 4 inches, and 10 inches long, there are also two turtles that i caught from the potomac river along with a apple snail.
one white coral one brown coral and one regular old rock on the bottom. And a homemade turtle dock so turtles can swim up and relax.
Tank Size:
70 gallons
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